Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Uncle Travelling Nick

So to start with, it's one thing when people tell me to update my blog in person.  Now I'm getting texts that say "Either update you blog or just delete it."  Wow.  Come on, peeps.  I've been crazy busy for the last...OK, so it has been a while.  Sorry.

So where to begin?  I've been travelling a lot work (hence the Fraggles reference above; also I was, in fact, in the land of the Silly Creatures).  I've been to Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, California, and Toronto in the last two months.  Throw a truly wonderful Boston trip in there, and I'm really racking up the frequent flier miles. 

The reason for my lack of updates is simply feeling that I don't have anything to say.  I try and write things to provoke thought or discussion, to draw out ideas, or to help form opinions.  I've been so engrossed in work that I have just not had any thoughts worth sharing lately.  It occurs to me, though, that the people reading this may not really care and are simply interested in what I'm doing or have to say.  Which is weird to begin with, but brace yourselves; here comes the engine stuff...

So let's talk tractors.  Like this one:

A John Deere tractor
 Tractors have what is called a "common sump" design, meaning that the fluids that lubricate the entire machine (except the engine) are in the same housing that runs the length of the tractor.  My company makes additives that go into the oils for those sumps.  We focus on parts like this:

Look kids! A piston pumps! And my desk!
Our chemistry helps maintain the integrity of parts like this piston pump.  It's made of a lot of different kinds of metals (note the yellow metal on top) that all have to be cared for.  Bad oils can be very detrimental:

Worn elliptical gear section
 The gear teeth above are worn down from being used in a bad oil.  This shortens the life of the tractor.  However, what we make...

Happy gears!
Keeps gears from spawling (metal shaving off), and extends the life of tractors and farm equipment.

OK I think that's it for now, my darlings.  You are all wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.  I'll make sure to send postcards the next time I venture out into the Land of the Silly People.

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